This is the best place in the world to cook!
What people are saying
- ~ Jane, Age 6
We can eat all the french fries we want because we're skinny
~ Overheard at a birthday party, Age 8This is like a 5-star restaurant!
~ Autumn, age 9- I could eat this for the rest of my life! (while munching on fried chicken)~ Julia
- Julie asks, "does anyone know where pineapples come from?" Ari answers, "outside!"~ Ari, age 4
- Are all the classes this fun?~ Riley, Age 9
- This is a little bit better than macaroni & cheese!~ Jessica, Age 7
- I want to take this class every day!~ Gabriel, Age 7
- Cooking is so much more fun than I thought it would be.~ Wren, Age 8
- This is the best day of my life!~ Amelia, age 8
- This is the best birthday party I've ever been to!~ Olivia, Age 9, Stacey, Age 10, Laura, Age 13
- This was perfect!~ Mom of 5 year old at his birthday party
- This is better than delicious.~ Cademan, age 7
- This is just like being in a restaurant, but at home.~ Sara, Age 8
- Do we get to come back tomorrow?~ Jimmy, Age 7
- This is the best camp I've ever been to!~ Malcolm, age 12